Tuesday, 24 April 2018


  1.  How to Solve Boot.Mgr Problem ?

- First Go to BIOS and Set the Boot Priority for CD or DVD or USB.
- Insert a Media, we will Prompt as Press any Key to Boot from CD or DVD... PRESS IT.
- Windows will Load and select a Time and Language and click on NEXT.
- AFTER that Select a Repair a Computer and it will start Laoding.
- On above Check mark ON Use a Recovery Tools option.
- Click NEXT.
- Click ON Repair and Restart.
- Then Go to STARTup Repair.
- Startup Repair check for a Problems.
- It will Prompt for Restart your Computer to Complete Repairs.
- Click on Finish.

2. Difference between Mac and IP address?
Mac Address is a Hardware Address that means it is unique to
 The Network Card which is installed on our PC
- Mac Address is of 12-bit hexa decimal
- IP Address is a logical address located to the Network device via
 Computer software.
- IPv4 is of 32-bit whereas IPv6 is of 128-bit .

3. How to add a Network Printer?
- First Connect a network printer by USB or LAN Cable.
- Go to Control Panel.
- Go to devices and printers.
- Click on Add a printer.
- Add a local or Network Printer
- Click Ok
- It will search for a available Printer and once it search it will detect .
- Select a Printer and install.

4. What is BIOS?
- It stands Basic Input Output System.
- It is a ROM chip on the Motherboard
- It is an interface between Computer
  Hardware and it's Operating System.
- There are basically 4 main function.
  POST :- it checks whether the hardware is properly connected or not.
Bootstrap loader :- it finds bootable Drive and load the Operating System.
Setup utility program :- the information related to Computer is been saved to NON- volatile memory , that is ROM.
Bios drivers :- it has one EPROM or EEprom .

5. Types of IP Address ?
- Unicast IP Address, this type of address used for one to one Communication.
- Multi-cast IP Address, used for One to many communication.
- Broadcast IP Address, used for One to Everybody Communication.

6. Types of Networks ?
- LAN, Local Area Networks.
- WAN, Wide Area Networks.
- MAN, Metropolitan Area Networks.

7. What is Subnetting ?
- Subnetting is a Practice of Dividing a Network into two or Smaller Networks.
- It increases Routine Efficiency, enhances the Security of Networks and Reduces the Size of Broadcast domain.

8. What is Subnet Masks ?
An IP Address is Divided into Two Parts : Network and Hosts.
- For Example :- An IP Class A address Consists of 8 bits Identifying the Network and 24 bits
                            identifying the Hosts.
- A Subnet Masks Consists of 32 bits.

9. Difference between RAM & ROM ?
- RAM is a Volatile Memory.
- RAM is a Temporary Memory.
- RAM is also called as Primary Memory.
- ROM is a Non-Volatile Memory.
- ROM is a Permanent Memory.
- ROM is also called as Secondary Memory.

10. How to Upgrade Outlook ?
- Open the Outlook.
- Go to File > Account
- Click on Update Option.
- It will Prompt for Update Now
- Click on Update and it will Update.

11. How to Share a Network Printer ?
- Right Click on the Install Printer
- Go to Properties
- Go to Sharing Tab
- Check mark on the Sharing the Printer
- Click Apply and then OK.
Go to Network and Sharing Centre.
- Go to Changing a Advanced Sharing Option
- Turn ON the File and Printer Sharing.

12. What is Virtualization ?
Virtualization means Running two Logical Machines in One Physical Machines is Known as
- There are various Virtualization Platforms such as VMWARE.

13. What is Email Client ?
- Email Client is an Desktop Applications which is used to send and Receive Emails.

14. What are the Protocols of Email Client ?
- Basically there are three Important Protocols which are Recommended during Email Configuration.
- IMAP and POP for Receiving Email and SMTP for Send a Mail.

15. What are the Software for Email Client ?
Mozilla Thunderbrid for Mac, Windows and Linux.
- AirMail 3.0 is the Email Client for MAC.
- MS Outlook 2016
- Eudora
- Microsoft Exchange.

16. Difference between Firewall and Antivirus ? 
Firewall is a Network Security System that Monitors over all Incoming and Outgoing Network Traffic .
- Firewall is a Software Program which is used to Protect from Unauthorized Access to or a from private Network.
- Antivirus is an Software which is used to Remove Viruses.

17. Difference Between IMAP and POP ?
- POP delete Copies of Messages from the Server.
- IMAP4  not delete copies of Messages from the Server.

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