Wednesday, 11 April 2018

How to configure DVR

 connect your DVR from your system.
Press "Ctrl+R' button and type "cmd' then command prompt
 system after that type "ipconfig" then see what is you are getting IP address
then that ip address put on your internet explorer url such as "".

2. After that you will get DVR admin portal for login in that put user name and password by default username "admin" and password "1'.

3. TCP/IP type:    Static

4. IP address: 192.168.1.XX

5. Subnet Mask:   (Depends on the IP address class)

6. Gateway:
     You can check the gateway address by opening command prompt and           type ipconfig/all.         
7. DNS1: __. __. __. __
    DNS2: __. __. __. __

8. You can easily find the DNS of your ISP by using the command ipconfig/all in command prompt.

9. Click SAVE and that’s all.

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